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Monday, June 7, 2010

The Hearbeat of Our Mission is Missions

       THE HEARTBEAT OF OUR MISSION IS MISSIONS....hahah..for this reason we (22 persons approximately )hv to go down to Terbol again..heheeh 5-6 June..what ever the agenda for each one of us personally(no personal agendas ???)  but this main agenda has to be completed..CHAMPION GATHERING..

Our Destination:SIB Kg Terbol
When the sky goes blue ..Kg Terbol (saturday  afternoon) panorama & SIB Kg Terbol 1st Champion gathering is on..

When something goes wrong...on the way...huhuhu..the reckless driver's caused of his passenger thrown up..huhu..& we hv to stop somewhere...
Personally i had learned a lesson from this incidents
PROVERBS 26:11(NIV version)
"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly"
Cleaning process...huhu
Affected stuff OR Veron & Johny participating with"Demonstrasi Jalanan"".
Johny & Lena (eating at the wrong place & the wrong time)
emergency place to "Pee"
.Melvin's car..was affected Kudis..huhuhu...what a tough journey...
Sampai suda....


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kasian pokok sawit tu.....

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