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Friday, June 18, 2010

Penang,Karate Kid, sifu & I..

         1:33 am.. Now i'am at Penang..haven't sleep yet, ..just finished watching movie at Gurney Plaza.. Karate Kid sequel...yesterday we supposed to watch this movie at Wangsa Walk ..unfortunately the ticket was sold out..& eventually 7 of us have to watch the other movie  ..The Prince of Persia..(last time also can't watch this movie during it early release in Cinema..due to hot seat) but this movie is consider as good rating for me term of it actions & special effects..but it just actions movie not more than that..BUT The Karate Kid is not just an action movie & it has a very strong message..the most memorable dialog in this movie that i like is "when life knock u yr choice to beat them up or not" & " Be still & doing nothing is two different thing"...the karate kid is my favorite if compare to Prince of Persia.

Prince of Persia scene: Let me go...
             Furthermore, this movie is a sequel from the Karate kid movie in past which  Jackie Chan as a SIFU ..even previous Karate Kid movie that we hv watched when we were kid the sifu is quit old(taraf datuk sudah..& jangut putih yg panjang..hehehe)..but Jackie is consider young as sifu but his legend as Kung fu master is undeniable & he is the real sifu..heheh..&

If i'm not mistaken Sifu in previous Karate Kid movie is his Sifu in real life..

   Jacky consider young as Sifu,,if compare to normal Sifu Movie..but his iconic status in Kung Fu movie is make him  Sifu.

                                              One of Karate Kid old version..

                                Karate Kid 2010

                                     Jaden & Sifu..
                           Paren & sifu..kwang3x
                       Last but not least, i glad this time i hv a chance to try Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow & Belacan Fried Chicken...& thanks to my colleague to introduce that place..even though i'm frequently travel to Penang but i never know where the best place to eat or hang out.. Adios..

                    Authentic Penang Char Koay Teow

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