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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kanang: The Story of A Hero (2010)

 By Maznan Noordin
 Year of Publication(2010)

Kanang anak Langkau, a soldier who stands among us today as a man who has been granted two of the nation's highest military awards – The Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP) and the Panglima Gagah Berani (PGB), ...(page140)

The Story of a Warrior. This is a true story. Kanang Anak Langkau, an extraordinary tracker noted for his bravery, was conferred two gallantry awards, the Negara Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP) (the highest gallantry award) and the Pingat Gagah Berani (PGB) (another medal for bravery) in the course of his duty.

His exploits were many, he was even called to duty on his wedding day. Whenever he fought, he would dream of a Pak Haji (a religious man). He fought with his troops on Hari Gawai (Harvest Festival fo the Ibans) during the Setia 8/97 movement.

To avoid badi, evil influences, he once counsumed the brains of a terrorist he had killed. He was almost defeated by the Siliwangi army during Konfrantasi. A member of the Setia Special Operation Force in early 1980, Kanang was seriously injured in an attack to save his comrades. He was unconcious for a whole week from his injuries, and spent a month in the Intensive Care Unit. He spent an entire year in hospital after that.

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