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Monday, May 9, 2011

My Book Archive.

 Just updated my BOOK ARCHIVE at my Page..The E-BOOK & Book Review.The books is related with Borneo Cultures & Christian reading...

E-BOOK from other sites
1)Mualang Language
2) Pagan Tribes of Borneo
3) Knowledge,Literacy & Media  of Iban.
4) Iban Imigration into Sarawak.
5) Children Of Borneo.
6) Israel101
7) British Borneo
8) Sketches of Our Life in Sarawak
9) Kayan Folk-lore in Borneo
10) Pagan Tribes of Borneo.
11) The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S By Henry Keppel & James Brooke
12) Birds from North Borneo(Sabah)
13) Borneo and Indian Archipelago
14) Through Central Borneo

BOOK  Archive from Paren's
1)  Hallelujah Diet
2) When young men are tempted.
3) Orang Ulu Stories by Heidi Munan
4)  Bidayuh Stories from Sarawak by Heidi Munan
5)  Iban Stories by Heidi Munan
6)  Melanau Stories by Heidi Munan
7)  Fireproof (Fiction)
8)  The Love Dare
9)  The Rime of Ancient Mariner
10) Children of Borneo
11) Borneo Log Struggle for Sarawak's Forest(1995)
12) Media and Nation Building:How Iban become Malaysian by John Postil
13) Village mothers,city daughters: Women and Urbanization in Sarawak(2007)
14) Hachiko:True story of loyal a dog(2004)
15) Rain Forests of World(2002)
16) KANANG:Story of Hero(2010)
17) Borneo (Bradt Travel Guide)(2009)
18) Tourism Commodification of Dayak Culture & Politics in East Kalimantan,Indonesia
19) The Armageddon Trilogy
20)  Law on Native Customary Land in Sarawak
21) The Story of early Christianity,The First 500 Years(2010)
22) JOLT!
23)  Borneo's Folk Stories
24) Pantang Iban (Iban's Tattoo)
25) Faith.Love and Hope in Borneo

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