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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sea Dayak(Iban)'s Song & Oral Tradition

Nimang ceremory by Iban.

Jerita tuai --stories of ancient times, myths and legends (358 titles).

Tusut --genealogy, family tree (23 titles).

Sampi --1) prayer which may comprise a few words said to acknowledge an omen, or a poem lasting an hour or more; 2) oratory, rhetoric (approx. 50 titles).

--Invocation to deities sung at major rites (78 titles).

Timang --Songs of praise; invocation poem (20 titles).

Ensera --Epics or sagas sung in poetic language with explanations and conversations in prose; any tale told partly in poetic form as opp. to simple prose tale (99 titles).

Renong --1) narrative sung to embolden men going to war; 2) song of entertainment sung at the commencement of a long journey, bejalai (17 titles).

Pantun --1) (pantun jako) adage, saying, parable, simile; 2) impromptu song for entertainment (17 titles).

Sabak --Poem of lament for the dead or lamentation for the dead (6 titles).

Biau --ceremonial waving of a fowl (usually a cockerel) over the heads of guests etc accompanied by recitation of a sampi. See also sampi (6 titles).

Ramban --love song in poetic from (1 title).

Pelian --general term for rites for the sick or healing rituals for the sick performed by a manang (shaman) (41 titles).

Entelah --word puzzle; riddle (1 title).

Sugi --epics associated with deities (10 titles).

Pengarap tuai --traditional belief system (32 titles).

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