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Monday, December 24, 2012

Bajau Wedding Ceremony @Malaysia Wedding Festival 2012(MEFA)-Shah Alam

Malaysia Wedding Festival(MEFA)-Love in the Garden

27-29TH APRIL 2012
 Official Radio :HOTFM
Official Venue:Shah Alam Convention Centre
The Groom is forbidden to step on the ground & carry by others to until he reaches BRIDAL DIAS .The bajau believes this to avoid any unwanted incidents in the future ..
Bajau Wedding Ceremony @Malaysia Wedding Festival 2012(MEFA)-Shah Alam
the couple dance together with families
Instead of musical instruments, the dance is backed by kalang (similar to Malay quatrains) and the stamping of feet by the male dancers. Usually performed at night, the Berunsai is held in celebration of certain functions such as wedding ceremony, birth of a newborn child, thanksgiving and entertaining persons who made vows. These dancers will be dressed in colourful costumes.

Bajau Wedding Ceremony @Malaysia Wedding Festival 2012(MEFA)-Shah Alam
This is an original traditional dance of the Bajau. The Limbai dance is performed during a wedding ceremony. It is an act of welcoming the bridegroom and his entourage and to invite them to the bride’s house. The melody and rhythmic movements of the dancer will accompany the bridegroom to the bride's house and would preceed the "ijab-qabul" or wedding ceremony. The graceful movement of the dancers’ wrists will sway their shawls to express their warm welcome to the party concerned. .

Dancing to entertain the bridal couple
This is an original traditional dance of the Bajau. The Limbai dance is performed during a wedding ceremony. It is an act of welcoming the bridegroom and his entourage and to invite them to the bride’s house. The melody and rhythmic movements of the dancer will accompany the bridegroom to the bride's house and would preceed the "ijab-qabul" or wedding ceremony. The graceful movement of the dancers’ wrists will sway their shawls to express their warm welcome to the party concerned. .

Bajau Wedding Ceremony @Malaysia Wedding Festival 2012(MEFA)-Shah Alam

Bajau Wedding Ceremony @Malaysia Wedding Festival 2012(MEFA)-Shah Alam

Instead of musical instruments, the dance is backed by kalang (similar to Malay quatrains) and the stamping of feet by the male dancers. Usually performed at night, the Berunsai is held in celebration of certain functions such as wedding ceremony, birth of a newborn child, thanksgiving and entertaining persons who made vows. These dancers will be dressed in colourful costumes.

Dastar of Sabah 
The dastar, an elaborate Malay styled headgear worn by the once feared seafaring community of the Bajau has similar weaving techiniques to the songket .The dastar uses supplementary weft weaving where coloured threads are added to the weft to create the designs. Descendants of great horseback warriors, the Bajau are fiercely proud of their heritage and this can be seen in the design and motifs of the dastar headgear. The Dastar was originally woven on a back-strap loom similar to those found in the Southern Philippines. The difference between the Bajau loom and the Iban back-strap loom is that the former is wider and has a comb known as a surud incorporated into the loom. As the method of weaving is similar to the songket, the Malay frame loom is slowly gaining popularity as an alternative to the Bajau back-strap loom. There is still demand for Bajau weaving in the minority groups as headgear for ceremonial rites such as for weddings and social events. The Dastar was originally weaved from coarse pineapple fibres and homespun cotton dyed with vegetable dyes. The convenience of commercial cotton yarns and aniline dyes have almost all but eliminated the tedious preparations of organic dyes and cotton picking. A dwindling number of elderly weavers are capable of incorporating the traditional methods with the new but this art of weaving is becoming increasingly rare and is in fear of extinction.
Bajau Wedding Ceremony @Malaysia Wedding Festival 2012(MEFA)-Shah Alam

Etnik lelaki Bajau biasanya mengenakan baju tradisional yang dipanggil badu. Badu atau baju ini biasanya dipilih kain berwarna hijau. Baju ini dihiasi dengan butang betawi dibelahan hadapannya. Butang betawi juga ada kalanya digunakan untuk hiasan lengan baju. Lengan baju dibelah hingga ke siku memperlihatkan baju bahagian dalam yang berwarna kontra. Badu tradisi ini seperti biasa dipakai pada majlis perkahwinan. Kaum lelaki Bajau juga mengenakan suart atau seluar berwarna hitam yang kebiasaannya digunakan atau dipakai semasa majlis perkahwinan, manakala pada majlis yang lain warna kontra akan digunakan.
Lelaki Bajau ini juga memakai topi yang dipanggil tanjak untuk hiasan kepala. Tanjak ini diperbuat daripada kain dastar yang telah dibentuk dan dipakai semasa majlis perkahwinan. Bagi penunggang kuda tanjak ini yang mereka pakai biasanya dipanggil podong. Seperti wanita etnik ini, golongan lelaki juga memakai tali pinggang dipanggil ingkot pangkat. Mereka juga memakai kain selendang yang disulam sebagai hiasan. Selain itu mereka juga memakai puyut yang digunakan sebagai pengikat pinggang atau selempang (selendang).
Kaum lelaki Bajau juga biasa menggunakan perhiasan yang dipanggil supu. Supu ini adalah perhiasan yang digunakan untuk menyimpan sigup atau rokok daun. Disebabkan kebanyakkan golongan lelaki Bajau ini pada zaman dahulu adalah pahlawan-pahlawan yang gagah, maka mereka juga menggunakan perhiasan berbentuk keris dan pida. Keris, pida dan parang panjang dianggap sebagai lambang kepahlawanan etnik berkenaan.

Bajau Wedding Ceremony @Malaysia Wedding Festival 2012(MEFA)-Shah Alam

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