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Friday, December 21, 2012

Kumang Gawai 2012 @ ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College

i was invited as one of the jury for Kumang Gawai Contest 2012 at Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan 2012 (4th June  2012)@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College (formerly known as Kolej Universiti Sains Kesihatan Masterskill.OFFICIATED  by Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili
Sarawak Category-Kumang Gawai Line Up
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan  2012@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College  
Sarawak Category-Kumang Gawai Line Up -Final Catwalk
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan  2012@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College   
Sarawak Category-Kumang Gawai Line Up
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan  2012@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College   
The Moment of TRUTH- Kumang Gawai 2012 -Bidayuh Lass
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan  2012@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College   
The Moment of TRUTH- Kumang Gawai 2012
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan  2012@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College   

The winner SABAH & SARAWAK Category..
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan  2012@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College   

Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan  2012@ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College   
The Panel of Juries  for Kumang Gawai Category
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan @ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College  2012

The Panel of Juries at
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan 2012 @ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College  
Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili
Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan 2012 @ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College    

Press release : Pesta Gawai & Kaamatan 2012 @ASEAN METROPOLITAN University College 
 KUALA LUMPUR (June 4, 2012): Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Ongkili joined students of Masterskill University College of Health Sciences for their joint Pesta Kaamatan and Gawai Dayak celebration at the college’s main campus in Cheras on Monday night.
He was the guest-of-honour at the event which was held to commemorate the harvest festivals celebrated by people in Sabah (as Pesta Kaamatan) and Sarawak (as Gawai Dayak).
The event was organised by the college to allow its Sabah and Sarawak students to celebrate the occasion away from home as well as for other students and staff members to experience it. There are about 1,000 students from Sabah and Sarawak at the college’s main campus alone.
Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus lauded the move by the college management to organise the event as an annual do to promote sharing of culture and understanding among the students and staff.
The merry event included a Unduk Ngadau beauty contest (for Sabahans) and Kumang Gawai beauty contest (for Sarawak students).  The winners were crowned by the Minister.
The activities also included Sugundoi, a singing competition held during Pesta Kaamatan and performances.  The evening was concluded with a treat by Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus who sang Kadazandusun songs,which prompted the students and staff members to join in by dancing the Sumazau.
Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus also congratulated Masterskill, which is synonymous with nursing training, for getting approval to be known as Asean Metropolitan University College, following the college’s plans to expand its programmes and courses.

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