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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Terms & Conditions for Miss/Mr Sarawak Ethnic Pageant 2013 @Borneo Hornbill Festival 2013

Kumang/Keligit/Keling@ Borneo Hornbill Festival
TERMS & CONDITIONS for Miss/Mr Sarawak Ethnic Pageant 2013
(formerly Known as Kumang/Keligit/Keling@ Borneo Hornbill Festival )

Mr Sarawak Ethnic (Men)
1. Parentage of each participant must be a Sarawak citizen (either Mother or Father is a Dayak).
2. Sarawakian male ( Single only ) and has pleasant personality.
3. Age above 18 and below 35 years old.
4. Open to all DAYAK ethnics in Sarawak.
5. Knowledge of each race (Costume,Arts & Culture)represented is a must for every participating Mr Sarawak Ethnic Pageant
6. All participants are allowed to bring only one personal assistant
7. Persatuan Warisan Sarawak Kuala Lumpur has the right to publish all photo submitted in FACEBOOK/WEBSITE for public viewing
8. Persatuan Warisan Sarawak Kuala Lumpur will not be responsible for any loss or damage to personal items or belongings to participants throughout the whole duration of the event.
9. Traditional costume will not be provided by the organizer.
10. Mr Sarawak Ethnic must have the basic in  Sarawak Native Traditional Dance
11. Mr Sarawak Ethnic must wear their own race traditional costume.

Miss Sarawak Ethnic (Women)

1. Parentage of each participant must be a Sarawak citizen (either Mother or Father is a Dayak).
2. Sarawakian female (Single only) and has pleasant personality.
3. Age above 18 and below 30 years old.
4. Open to all DAYAK ethnics in Sarawak.
5. Miss Sarawak Ethnic had 3 categories:
a) Sea Dayak-Iban
b) Land Dayak-Bidayuh
c ) Upriver People-Orang Ulu (Kenyah/Kayan/Kelabit/Berawan/Kiput/Lun Bawang/Murut/Punan/
Penan/Ukit/Kajang/Kejaman and others)
6. Knowledge of each race( (Costume,Arts & Culture)represented is a must for every participating Miss Sarawak Ethnic.
7. All participants are allowed to bring only one personal assistant.
8. Persatuan Warisan Sarawak Kuala Lumpur has the right to publish all photo submitted in FACEBOOK/WEBSITE for public viewing
9. Persatuan Warisan Sarawak Kuala Lumpur will not be responsible for any loss or damage to personal items or belongings to participants throughout the whole duration of the event.
10. Traditional costume will not be provided by the organizer.
11. Miss Sarawak Ethnic must wear their own race traditional costume

Any enquiry, please contact:
Dr. Laurence (013-392087) or E-MAIL:
Paren Nyawi (016-2592067) or E-MAIL :

Related post:

Borneo Hornbill Festival by Persatuan Warisan Sarawak

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Miss/Mr  Sarawak & Sabah Ethnic 2012@BHF 2012**watch here**

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