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Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Craft Complex at Jalan Conlay..

The Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex is a specially built location dedicated to Malaysian crafts. It serves as the headquarters of Kraftangan Malaysia, a government authority tasked with the promotion and preservation of the country's handicraft and related industries. The Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex was designed to provide visitors, both foreign and local, with an insight into the uniqueness of various handicraft in the country, the people behind the craft, as well as to be a destination for those interested in procuring authentic Malaysian handicraft.

The Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex comprise of 3 main buildings, the first being dedicated to Karyaneka, a subsidiary dedicated to the promotion and sale of authentic Malaysian handicraft.The administrative building is known as Seri Utama while a small building dedicated to craft design sits on the far right of the grounds. Various products developed by members of the Malaysian handicraft industry are sold under the umbrella brand of Karyaneka, which ensures that these individual craftsmen are not exploited by unscrupulous middlemen. Karyaneka's main offices and outlets are housed in a sprawling building, influenced by traditional Malaya designs, known as Seri Anjung. The building's left wing, known as Seri Cipta, houses Karyaneka's textile boutique, a two storey display of Malaysian artistry in handpainted and woven cloth. Seri Anjung itself houses the remaining two Karyaneka outlets, the Souvenir Shop and the Corporate Gifts Shop, besides other individual galleries maintained by Felda, a government land development agency, and the Sultan Mizan Royal Foundation, a foundation dedicated to preserving crafts among the people of the state of Terengganu.

The Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex
KELIRING-An ornate wooden pole. These poles are part of Sarawak tribal culture and are usually adorned with carvings of ethnic designs and geometric motifs. A keliring is made of a huge hardwood tree trunk, carved from the top to bottom. Nitched up to its sides is a space for the bodies of slaves and followers and hollowed at the top to place the jar containing the chief's bones.

A heavy stone slab is surmounted on the top of the pole. The size normally is more than six feet in diameter and can be up to 32 feet tall above the ground normally owned by a MARAN FAMILY

The Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex

The main highlights for visitors to the Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex would undoubtedly be Craft Village and the Artists' Village, the two little areas on the right of Seri Anjung dedicated to showcasing examples of Malaysian arts and craft. The areas are dotted with little buildings, designed to look like traditional huts, each housing an artist or craftsman. These artists and craftsmen go about their work here, allowing visitors to watch and even get involved in the creation process. Crafts include pottery, batik painting and weaving at the Craft Village, while visitors to the Artists' Village will get a personal look at Malaysian painters and their techniques. Visitors who have the time and inclination to learn more can request to set up classes with these artists and craftsmen, while those interested in getting a unique Malaysian piece can buy them at the respective huts.

 The main building, Seri Anjung also houses the Craft Muzium, a simple yet elagant museum on Malaysian craft and the people behind them. The current exhibit focuses on the various master craftsmen in Malaysia and their various fields, with displays of their highly prized craft, and a short biography of the individual master craftsmen, their tools and implements, along with explanations. Many of these craftsmen belong to an older generation of Malaysians, and with many of them have already passed on, the museum serves as a way to preserve their contributions to Malaysian craft, and to inspire younger generations to appreciate this important aspect of their rich culture.
The Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex

Pua Kumbu is a traditional patterned multicolored ceremonial cotton cloth used by the Iban, made and used in Sarawak, Malaysia. Pua kumbu are woven by Dayak women and are considered to be sacred objects. They are used for lifecycle rituals and special events including the birth of a child, coming of age celebrations, receipt of an important item to a longhouse, and to screen a corpse that is being laid out in a longhouse prior to burial.
Beside Pua Kumbu, there are also Pua Sungkit and Pua Karap.

Many of these craftsmen belong to an older generation of Malaysians, and with many of them have already passed on ( FOR EXAMPLE:PASU IBAN..karya Mastercraft ANDAK AK LEMBANG) the museum serves as a way to preserve their contributions to Malaysian craft, and to inspire younger generations to appreciate this important aspect of their rich culture.

PASU IBAN..karya Mastercraft ANDAK AK LEMBANG@The Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex

Visitors looking for traditional handicrafts for souvenirs or gift items shall look no further. At Kompleks Budaya Kraf, which is located at Jalan Conlay, an assortment of handcrafted pottery, wood carving, forestry products, textiles, embroidery and metalware are available at prices lower than elsewhere in the country.

The adjacent Muzium Kraf (Craft Museum) displays a variety of textile, ceramic, metal craft and weaved products. All the information of the production process are potrayed in diorama format complete with historical facts, technique and traditionally engineered equipment. Among the processes shown are pottery making, intricate wood carving, silver-smithing, weaving songketcloth, stamping batik patterns on cloth and boat making. 
The complex is open to public from 8.45am to 6.00pm daily.


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