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Sunday, June 28, 2015

The choice is yours........N.55 Katibas..

Sibu MP: DAP on its own after fallout in Pakatan
by Philip Wong Posted on June 28, 2015, Sunday

SIBU: The ‘demise’ of Pakatan Rakyat means that DAP must persevere by its own in the next state election.

Sibu MP Oscar Ling, in stating this during a luncheon here yesterday to mark the closing of this year’s Gawai Dayak, said the party would strive to gather support from the Dayaks.

“For the next (state) election, DAP would have more Dayak candidates than Chinese as we may field candidates in 30 constituencies. Over the past years, we have been going rural towards getting the support of the Dayak community. Hopefully, all these promises of support would be translated into votes when the time comes,” he said.

The gathering, which hosted more than 200 DAP supporters, was also attended by Pelawan assemblyman David Wong, DAP Katibas protem chairman Paren Nyawi and DAP Kapit Service Centre person-in-charge Larry Asap.

In his brief address, Paren – touted as DAP’s likeliest candidate for Katibas –claimed that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government had failed to solve the basic fundamental issues of the people, especially in Song and Katibas.

“The BN lacks the commitment to serve the people. The only platform for us to voice our grievances is through DAP,” he said.

Paren said the rural poverty rate had been very high over the past years without much improvement seen throughout.

‘The choice is yours. Either you want to stay in the poverty circle, or move forward for your own happiness.”

Meanwhile, Wong reiterated that the party did not belong to the Chinese, judging by the presence of the supporters at the luncheon.

“This is a good sign and with Dayak support, we are confident of staging a breakthrough in the next state election,” he said.

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