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Monday, July 6, 2015

Poor state of Jalan Takan@Song (N.62 Katibas)

Villagers upset over poor state of Jalan Takan in Song
Posted on July 2, 2015, Thursday
KUCHING: Jalan Takan the 7-kilometre road connecting the central Sarawak town of Song to longhouses and villages in its hinterland has been in a state of disrepair for years with the potholes along the entire stretch of the road.
From the town centre, the road reaches to more than 10 longhouses in Nanga Kebiaw, Nanga Sepadi and two schools.
People living along the road complained that they felt abandoned by the government as their numerous complaints to the relevant authorities had fallen on deaf ears.
A social activist from the area, Paren Nyawi, said the main culprits behind the destruction of the road were heavy vehicles, which had turned the once tar-sealed road into gravel road
The situation was compounded by poor maintenance and repair.
The 34-year-old, who hails from Nanga Sepadi, lamented villagers were choked by dust stirred up by vehicles during dry days, and when it rained, the road became muddy and slippery.
He added the numerous potholes on the road had caused accidents as drivers trying to avoid them had to drive on the wrong side of the road, setting them on collision course with oncoming vehicles.
The uneven surface also posed a danger for motorcyclists especially at night as there are no street lights along the road.
“Prior to 2011, before the presence of so many heavy vehicles, the road was in commendable condition. When sections of the road started deteriorating, JKR (Public Works Department) would only lay gravel as a quick fix. Be it
budget constraint or any other reason, the people are hoping that the government resolve this matter.
“Why is this road not properly repaired for years? The people of Song deserve a comfortable, quality road network. After all, 7 km is not that long a stretch,” he told The Borneo Post when contacted yesterday.
With the government going full swing in building the road from Sibu to Kapit, he believed that road network in Song district should be looked into as well.
“The Kapit-Song-Kanowit road will be completed by 2017 with the announcement of an RM87 million allocation for the construction of the missing link of 9.6 km between Nanga Temalat in Song and Nanga Ngemah in Kanowit by our prime minister.
“Now that the road connecting Song town with Nanga Temalat has been completed, why not set aside budget to fully repair Jalan Takan?”

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