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Thursday, November 5, 2015

DAP throttles on with Katibas centre, anoints Paren for Song,Sarawak (N.55 Katibas )

The opening of DAP Katibas Service Centre on Saturday by Chong (second left). Next to him his Ling. Paren is on the right.
SIBU: Sarawak DAP opened its service centre in Song last Saturday as it took another step to infiltrate the heart of Sarawak to serve the rural populace.
Called ‘DAP Katibas Service Centre’, this is the third one opened for rural folks in the Upper Rajang Reach. The first being the Kapit service centre opened in 2013 and the second in Belaga. Its political education director and Sibu MP Oscar Ling confirmed yesterday they were making inroads to the Song community as local lad Paren Nyawi had been active there since the beginning of the year.
“We are ready with the folks of Katibas to face the next election. During the service centre opening last Saturday by our Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen, Chong said Paren’s candidacy would provide an alternative for Song.”
He said Katibas was a BN stronghold for more than five decades, and Chong said Paren’s candidacy would be a healthy race between DAP and BN.
Paren has a striking personality — a native known to all the folks of Song. He is not only a local who grew up and received his education in Song, but also a celebrity after he won Mr Borneo Hornbill Festival 2011 title.
“With the opening of DAP Katibas Service Centre, it will be easier for the people to work with DAP on issues that affect them.”
Apart from the service centres, DAP Sarawak has opened the throttle with centres to serve the rural community in the Upper Rajang Reach. Ling said they had also opened others elsewhere in Sarawak, including the ones in Mas Gading, Betong, Belaga, Sungai Asap, Lawas and others.

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