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Monday, October 17, 2016

The Sunday Post (16/10/16):Activating PBK a ploy to disrupt Pakatan Harapan — DAP leader

The Sunday Post (Page 10)
Sunday, October 16, 2016
KUCHING: The sudden ‘activation’ of a once-dormant local party linked to opposition leaders could just be a ploy to break up Pakatan Harapan before the coming 14th General Election, said DAP Katibas protem chairman Paren Nyawi.

Alluding to the rumours surrounding Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), Paren said this party might be used by Pakatan Harapan’s opponents as a strategy to break up popular support for the opposition.
He believed those involved in the party were just attempting to take advantage, and re-create the recent Sabah political scenario in Sarawak whereby some Sabah opposition leaders including members of parliament and assemblymen of DAP and PKR had quit their parties to form or join local parties purportedly to champion local issues and state’s rights.
“All this while, Sarawak already has many local parties which have failed to fight for rights of Sarawakians. There are even local parties which ‘sold’ the rights of Sarawak such as our oil and gas revenue.
“Parties which are deemed to champion local issues will not be able to have a big voice at the national stage. Only Pakatan Harapan can voice out national issues which affect us all such as issues concerning implementation of hudud,” said Paren, also a special assistant to Sibu MP Oscar Ling.
Paren, who stood in Katibas and lost to BN-PBB incumbent Datuk Ambrose Blikau in the May 7 state election, said even Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem was not yet able to get education autonomy for Sarawak despite leading local BN parties to bigger majority in the election.
“They (those involved in PBK) just want to take advantage of the Sabah political episode,” he said.
Rumours have been rife that three local PKR leaders – PKR Sarawak chairman Baru Bian and vice chairmen See Chee How and Ali Biju would be leaving the peninsula-based party to join PBK.
Baru, See and Ali are also assemblymen for Ba Kelalan, Batu Lintang and Krian respectively.
In 2013, PBK was one of the five new parties registered in Sarawak by the Registrar of Societies (ROS) but this party did not take part in the 13GE in 2013 and the state election this year. In a surprise move, PBK which was deemed inactive since 2013 announced the launch of its Lanang branch and Miri branch on Wednesday.
The Miri branch is led by former Pujut assemblyman Fong Pau Teck who was expelled from DAP in 2014.
The first PBK branch was set up in Sarikei, and it is now led by former DAP Sarikei branch secretary Wong Ching King.
PBK Lanang branch secretary Franky Anong was recently reported in the media as neither admitting nor denying talks regarding PKR leaders joining PBK but he pointed out there would be some major announcements by end of this year or beginning of next year.
PKR Sarawak leadership council member Willie Mongin was quoted in The Borneo Post yesterday as saying that he was surprised to hear rumours of party leaders leaving because they had a meeting with national leaders last week where all who were present pledged to stay put in PKR.

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