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Showing posts with label Bidayuh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bidayuh. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Last Bidayuh Ring Ladies :Dayung Semban

   Dewi Liana Seriestha, Miss Malaysia World 2014
 with 'The Bidayuh Ring Ladies' or local call them Dayung Semban. In Fact, Bidayuh people are no longer practice wearing this 'permanent accesories'. Only five 'The Bidayuh Ring Ladies' left in Sarawak. This amazing culture will be part of Dewi's project for Beauty With A Purpose. 
at Sarawak Culture Village(19 OCTOBER 2014)

Dayung Sangon, Dewi Liana Seriestha, Miss World Malaysia 2014 in Bidayuh Traditional 
Custome. #MissMalaysia2014 #DewiNation.

Official Visit to  Sekolah Kebangsaan Secred Heart Semeba, Kuching Sarawak. 
Dayung Sangon, Dewi Liana Seriestha
Miss World Malaysia 2014 in Bidayuh Traditional Custome.
Only five 'The Bidayuh Ring Ladies' left in Sarawak
Ricky Rimwah -Mr Sarawak Ethnic 2011 
with  Dewi Liana Seriestha, Miss Malaysia World 2014
..& Dayung Semban (last-of-the-ring-ladies...)

     Apart from being a symbol of status and beauty, there is much more to wearing the rings.
The practice which has been around for centuries, was actually paganistic in nature. In the old days, according to pagan customs, only girls with the rings were allowed to attend festive ceremonies and do the rejang – the eagle dance.
“Only ring girls were allowed to dance during festive celebrations. It was a shame for a girl without rings to dance – that was why all the girls wore them even though no one forced them to.

       Read more:

Kampung Semban, one of the oldest Bidayuh villages in Sarawak, is 310M above sea level.
Read more:

Friday, September 27, 2013

Kenapa Kiromboi (‘Rain-Makers’) Bidayuh kurang dikenali ??

Why i never heard about this Bidayuh Musical Instrument.
"Kurang promosi kali"".. the 'RAIN MAKERS"..until one fine MAGICAL BORNEO @MALAYSIAKU STREET FEST BANGSAR 2013.
One Chinese(Orang Semenanjung) lady came to my booth & asking about this stuff..pada mula bunyi macam pelik.."Pemanggil Hujan" ..Katak ke apa???

Is it true that frog can call the rain?
Frogs start calling when the mating season comes. However, through the process of natural selection and other natural feedback mechanisms, the frog mating season has synchronized with the rainy season in most areas. Thus frogs may start calling just before it rains, while it is raining and after the rains come.
Kenapa ia nya di gelar RAIN MAKERS????
Kiromboi (rain maker) are a hand held percussive instrument of the Bidayuh people of Sarawak, in Borneo. They are made from two giant snail shells that are attached to the ends of a split bamboo stick so they lightly touch each other. A small stick is passed quickly between the snail shells so they rattle against each other producing a sound remarkably similar to that of the local frogs."
Menurut legenda Zaman Dahulu alat ini di gunakan semasa musim kemarau untuk memanggil HUJAN...

Kenapa Kiromboi (‘Rain-Makers’) Bidayuh kurang dikenali ??
Soalan yang bermain di fikiran..Kenapa ianya kurang dikenali..?? adakah ianya tak sehebat Sape , Seruling , Tabuh atau Gong...atau kerana teknik mainan yang terlalu simple dan tidak sesuai untuk di bawa ke persembahan pentas...memandangkan fungsi utama nya "memanggil hujan semasa musim kemarau di zaman dahulu"... sepanjang pengalaman saya sendiri melihat di mana-mana
persembahan  saya tidak pernah melihat alat muzik ini di mainkan di mana-mana acara..."" tidak pernah sama sekali""...kemungkinan sebilangan generasi muda bidayuh pun " mungkin"  tercenggang macam saya bila ditanya..Adakah kamu tahu pasal "RAIN MAKERS"?
Jadi bagaimana untuk mempromosi benda ni untuk lebih di kenali. ..??
Ianya mungkin sesuai di jadikan SOUVENIR memandangkan bentuknya yang kecil & ringan...sekiranya ia tidak di angkat sebagai alat muzik yang bercorak kontemporari seperti SAPE..mungkin boleh persembahan secara beramai-ramai seperti bermain seruling untuk membuatkannya lebih menarik.....

How to Play a Kiromboi (rain-maker)...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Which one??:Kumang Bidayuh or Dayung Bidayuh for Ethnic Beauty Pageant Title !!

Since "KUMANG " is The Mother Goddess of Ibans. & 'Dayung' means girl in Bidayuh.

After the 1st Kumang Gawai Beauty Pageant in 1960s. The "Kumang" is synonym with Iban Ethnic Beauty Pageant ..The Kumang is a Legendary .The meaning is not just a "Girl" or "Induk Iban".Kumang name is a legend by its history .

In Fact,the Bidayuh has a sub-tribe & different chose the right TITLE when involve the Beauty Pageant of Bidayuh outside the sub-ethnic origin is a "Crucial" ..but to putting the TITLE as a "DAYUNG" rather than KUMANG will reflect the true identity of the Bidayuh itself.

Dayung Bidayuh or Dayung Bi Dayeh ..maybe the most closer..when the pageant held outside Kuching( In fact,Bidayuh are origin from Kuching  (LunduBau, Penrissen, Padawan, Siburan and Serian.)& West Kalimantan)

The "Bidayuh Ethnic Beauty Pageant Title " means"BEAUTIFUL BIDAYUH GIRL" by the sub-tribe  & location : 

KUCHING AREA( Beautiful Bidayuh Girl for Beauty  Pageant Title)/:-
1)Dayung Pimaguh for Bisapuq 
2)Dayung  Iyang for Biatah 
3) Dayung Timegen /Timungun//Temengun for Serian((Pesta Berumuh)
4) Dayung Sangon for Bau. 
5) Dayung Biskora(Sikora)(Skora) for Bisingai. 

The other meaning of Dayung.........
1) Dayung Borih  for Jagoi( Priestess ) 
2) Dayung Boris -Priestess(Maidens of Gawai Festival)
3) Dayung Bi Dayeh for Org Asal Tanah. (People of the Land)

OUTSIDE KUCHING AREA( Beautiful Bidayuh Girl for Beauty  Pageant Title)/:-
1)Kumang Bidayuh-Miri Divisional Gawai Dayak.
2) Dayung Temengun -Bintulu Divisional Gawai Dayak.
3) Dayung Skora-Sri Aman Divisional Gawai Dayak
4) Kumang Gawai for Tembawang Tampun /Tampun Juah Mongkos(Tebedu)-Bunan, ( West Kalimantan )
5) Kumang Bidayuh for Borneo Hornbill Festival KL by Warisan Sarawak.

Kumang Bidayuh @ Borneo Hornbill Festival KL (from 2009-2011) at MATIC (Malaysia Tourism Centre ,Jalan Ampang.
Kumang Bidayuh (Delimda) @Borneo Hornbill Festival KL 2011
 at MATIC(Malaysia Tourism Centre Jln Ampang)
Kumang Bidayuh (Joan ) @Borneo Hornbill Festival KL 2010
 at MATIC(Malaysia Tourism Centre Jln Ampang)
The Star (July 31,2010)
Also read: Joan's life as a Kumang!!
LEFT: Kumang Bidayuh ( Cherry Ying Ying Abel   ) @Borneo Hornbill Festival KL 2009
 at MATIC(Malaysia Tourism Centre Jln Ampang)
                        And she wins again in year 2010 as  ‘Dayung Sikora’‘

Cherry Ying Ying Abel was crowned as a ‘Dayung Sikora’‘
Gawai(Bidayuh) beauty pageant during Gawai Carnival Redeems 2010

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Last Bidayuh(Land Dayak) Priestess(Dayung Boris) in West Borneo.

LEFT:Bidayuh priestess "tall hat.". It dates from the mid 20th century. The ribs are rattan splits.

40 YEARS OLD in YEAR 2008) .


The Bidayuh Priestess (Dayung Boris) as Gawai Dayak Maiden.
The most important part of Gawai Dayak is played by the high priestesses or "dayung boris" who undertake the preservation and well-being of the rice spirit. They also conduct elaborate rituals to ensure a successful harvest the following year.
These high priestesses are usually elderly ladies who are well-respected by the entire clan and selected to conduct the festival. There is a meaning behind every single event done during the Gawai Dayak and all must be observed strictly. The locals believe that failure to observe omens and any mistake made can result in an epidemic or some other form of destruction to the padi and the people. 
While the job of erecting the shrine and poles that resemble ladders for the spirits to descend to earth is left to the men, and the shaman keeps a close eye on the proceedings, the priestesses sit on a long swing made of dug-out tree trunk hung onto the longhouse balcony and sing in an archaic Bidayuh dialect. They are richly dressed in mostly black hand-woven costumes lavishly decorated with antique beads and silver.
What these priestesses sing are hymns and they are sung throughout much of the celebration. The hymns, much akin to the psalms in the Christian Bible, relate heroic tales of past warriors in conquering hardship, obstacles and enemies in their struggles to lead the community towards progress and development. 
The hymns are passed down orally through generations of Chief Priestesses. Until recently, few efforts have been made to document either the hymns or the rituals.
Arrayed in front of these priestesses are the offerings or "sadie" which will be presented to the gods to bestow blessings on the village. The offerings will later be placed in the shrine. The "sadie" consists of rice and meat to appease the spirits. An open platform would also be built to hold some of the offerings. 
All through the night, food is served. "Tuak" would be consumed with joy and there would be much dancing. And as some people started to look a little sleepy, one of the high priestesses will announce that it is time for the final ritual of the Gawai Dayak.
The Ritual Perform by DAYUNG BORIS( Priestess) "NGUGUH":
The Grand Finale during Gawai Dayak..
 Nguguh(Final Ritual of Gawai Dayak )
DURING NGUGUH RITUAL perform by BIDAYUH PRIESTESS during Gawai Festival.
 The shaman and the priestesses dance around the shrine holding the "ajang" to the accompaniment of the drums and gongs. The high priestess observes the entire ceremony, ensuring that all the rituals are performed correctly. Tobacco, rice and other commodities, which were previously wrapped in small bundles and left on the altar, are symbolically offered to the Gods. 
The "ajang" is a basket filled with "pogang" (glutinous rice cooked in bamboo) and "sukuoi" (rice wrapped in leaf) and the purpose of these items is to share the earnings of the rice spirit. The women participating in this ritual then enter a trance and start dancing away. At some point they will suddenly fall down one by one. Villagers will already know what to expect and some are ready to support the ladies as they start falling. The shaman will later call them out of their trance and the "sadie" will be opened to signify the end of the "nguguh."
A dying Bidayuh Custom-The Priestess(Dukun@Manang)
"I saw part of the rituals when I was very very young. The part when the old ladies sat at the wooden swings and sangs songs that I could not understand. The old Bidayuh(Link) Ladies can predict the weather quite accurately by looking at the moon, the night sky or by listening to frogs or crickets.Or how to camouflage yourself so the river spirit would not disturb you.The spirits that roamed the jungle and how you should not fear them but regards them as human. That means greeting them as you entered their 'homes'.Ages ago, when my ancestors worship a different type of God, a certain ritual were done by selected women or priestess to put up prayers for the well being of the village.Nowadays, only sometime in June during Gawai and selected villages, the rituals are again done by selected few priestess."(Quoted from Young Generation Bidayuh Lady)
The documentary about THE LAST DAYUNG BORIS.

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