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Showing posts with label Malaysia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malaysia. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2011

Move to upgrade standard of longhouses.

Sarawak is proposing that new concept longhouses be incorporated under the national housing policy in an effort to upgrade their standard.
Housing and Urban Development Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg said that the modern longhouse would retain its cultural architecture but would be constructed with modern technology including materials used as well as security features and amenities.
Speaking at the earth-breaking ceremony for a 57-door modern concept longhouse at Rumah Chabu in Bakong, he said that it was also historic because for the first time in an Iban community they have kepala tanah(land title ownership) given to each room owner.
“It has never been done before. So the people in Rumah Chabu can now be assured that their children and future generation have a legal right to their bilik,” said Johari.
Rumah Chabu, which is a pilot project, will incorporate all the new features of the concept.
He added that once they have improved on the longhouse concept, his ministry with the endorsement of the Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah, would put forward the proposal to the Federal Government.
The Government under the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is expected to complete construction of the RM2.3mil Rumah Chabu within six months to a year.
The original 57-door longhouse was destroyed in a fire in 2009.
Johari visited them at that time and promised to find ways to build them a new longhouse and he came yesterday to deliver his promise.
Meanwhile, Johari said the Federal Government had approved a budget of RM200mil under the 10th Malaysia Plan for housing development projects in the state.
Since 1976, the government had allocated a total of RM72.6mil, of which RM27.5mil was from Federal Government funding to build 500 longhouses, benefitting 11,432 families.
Johari also reminded the crowd at Rumah Chabu that only Barisan Nasional (BN) can deliver its promises.
“I promise to build new longhouses for you and I came here to deliver my promise, he said, adding that the incumbent for Marudi Sylvester Entrie had invited him.
“He has been a good leader to you. Make sure you retain him and he is here to represent you,” he said.
At the function, Sylvester Entrie announced a budget of RM1.3mil for drainage and irrigation projects for eight longhouses in flood-prone Bakong and Beluru.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

National Day:Independence Day(31 Aug) vs Malaysia Day (16 Sept)


 This month is widely known among Malaysian as "Bulan Kemerdekaan".This  is because national day  which falls on the 31st august.As far as i concerned, early this month every year we could see all the cars in the road were decorated with Malaysia Car Flag but today is 3rd August 2010 & it is not like previous years no Malaysia Car Flag or Malaysia Flag around the corner.

According to Wikipedia Source:
Hari Merdeka (Independence Day) is a national day of Malaysia commemorating the independence of the Federation of Malaya from British colonial rule, celebrated on August 31. In a wider context, it is to celebrate the formation of Malaysia.

Malaysia Day is held on September 16 every year to commemorate the establishment of the Malaysian federation on the same date in 1963. It marked the joining together of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore to form Malaysia. The formation of the new federation was planned to occur on June 1, 1963, but was later postponed to August 31, 1963, in order to coincide with the sixth Hari Merdeka.

1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan
(1 Malaysia, People First, Performance Now).This is the theme for year 2009 Independence Day and since then we always heard about 1Malaysia Concept introduced by the Government.& every day we would listen to 1Malaysia Song ,see the Billboard of 1Malaysia Posters every corner of the road & watch it on TV..and it all about 1Malaysia.

 On the other hand,the government was introduced Malaysia Day.Beginning year 2010, September 16 is a federal public holiday.That make we have to celebrate  two  National Day. Independence Day (31 Aug) vs Malaysia Day (16 Sept).which one is your choice.
 The introduction of Malaysia Day is  seems as good news for East Malaysian at large since it was related much to them but their counterpart at West Malaysia seems confusing ..

The question is why we must have 2 National Day?..

 Whatever the responds is it is a new beginning towards 1Malaysia Concept..& it is a wise decision by government to declared 16 Sept as Malaysia Day..since an Independence Day (31 August) is celebrate the Formation of MALAYA & Malaysia Day (16 Sept) is celebrate establishment of the Malaysian federation.(Malaya,Sabah,Sarawak & Singapore )

Last but not least,whether you have the Malaysia Car Flag on your car is not important..the most important things is Why we should have a Malaysia Day..since the Malaysia in not belong West Malaysia only..

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