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Showing posts with label Musings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musings. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One month after Borneo Hornbill Festival KL 2011

Today is (23 Aug).One month after KUMANG/KELIGIT/KELIGIT BORNEO HORNBILL FESTIVAL 2011 is many things happened within the period of one month.I'm glad I'm become one of the KELING  contestants and  my  baby step had created so many opportunities in life.Even at the 1st place I'm struggling venture something new in life that i have ignored an my passion about CULTURE  and HERITAGE is developing and growing  by never before..meeting up with new friend who has the same passion and share the same thought is the greatest things in me...Even though so  many pros and cons  on what going..I'm still the same person that i used to be.  but ....with the new determinations & courages..

Photo shoot with

Kumang Veeky and me acting  just like an Iban in olden days..
Warisan Sarawak's representives at Sarawak Tourism Board (Booth) during PRESS CONFERENCE(12/8/11) for SARAWAK REGATTA 2011 wt Sarawak Tourism and Heritage Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg
After this one month ..I have found  the best things in life is FRIENDSHIP. that keep me SMILE BRILLIANTLY where ever i go...just like the day when my smile was so brilliant....

“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.”    i would like to dedicate this song to all kumang/Keligit/Keling contestants BHF 2011..

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Keling Gawai (the day when my smile was so BRILLIANT)@Borneo Hornbill Festivall 2011

After the day when my smile was so BRILLIANT@Borneo Hornbill Festivall 2011.. won MR BRILLIANT SMILE title ...In fact,this is the 1st ever title in KELING pageant history!! No such things in Sarawak....

 Kumang/Keligit/Keling Gawai Pageant Borneo Hornbill Festival 2011 come to an end  last Saturday(23rd July 2011)..
Keling Brilliant Smile
Borneo Hornbill Festival 2011..
after  won Mr Brilliant Smile.......the right time to move forward.. ..I'm glad that this is a very valuable experiences one should going through before getting older...

its such a wonderful journey when .meeting up with new people & making up a new friend too..but the most important things are..a lot of lessons to learned..from HERITAGE stuff like this...

So .this is yjr time for appreciation for those are helping me during this incredible journey......

 First of all,  Evelyn -who asks me to join this contest at the 1st place ...

Gina & Evelyn during registration at
Warisan Sarawak KL at UCSI University(LINK)

With Gina Finalist Keligit BHF 2011
Miss Gina Dayang (Finalist Keligit) & Dolly Teo & the GENG

Jhawn Lawai as my Assistant (even you are Saban but have try yr best to set my Iban costume & Tatoo
(Pantang Iban ngau Bungai Terung), 
Johny Piri for your support & the coconut shell
(Tempurung Kelapa for Tengkorak)that i never used for the competition..
Rolis J & Marryun Anne for your  wonderful photos during that night that you  have captured for me..
Thanks to Rolis ,Jeredy,Anne & Dolly(not in Picture) during photo shoot at
Bukit Gemilang.

my sister & Family in Kuching (LINK:Travel log to Kuching from 9-13 June 2011)that brought me to Serikin & Kuching Waterfront to get all the Iban Costume( lending me the Iban shield(Terabai) ,the necklace(Marik Taring & Ngeli Jelu) ,the Hornbill feathers(Bulu Kenyalang), my sister & family in Port Dickson  & My Brother(Wan)(bought for me Baju Burung( Sibu Market) & Brought the Parang Ilang & Terabai from Song) for their support that night (borrow Corset & help me to make a spear (Sangkuh)..even though that Sangkuh too long and hard for me to perform that night but i should get another award THE LONGEST SPEAR(Sangkuh Paling Panjai)..My Aunty in Miri that helped me to "Pos Laju" all the stuffs from Miri- KL,
Thanks Veeky for The WIGS.(Buk Palsu)

Thanks Susan for your help that nite..

to Kumang Iban BHF 2011 ..Veeky & Susan  for your Wig(Buk Palsu)..manah amai buk aku malam nyak...if  Warisan Sarawak has the award for Keling Beautiful Hair(Keling Paling Manah Buk) i should win too. special thanks to my major sponsor of my Iban Costume from Miri such as Tali Ujan @ Tali Mulong,Rantai Gerunong, 17 pieces Bird Feathers(Bulu Burung Ruai & Bulu Burung Burak),Red Textile( Kain Merah),Mahkota di Kepala(enda nemu nama),The Iban Belt (2 pieces),Human Skull from Coconut Shell (Antu Pala),Ring Knee & Hand(Gelang Lutut &gelang lutut Gelang Lengan)..& also help me bought Bajung Gagung,Taring Jani,Rantai Syiling & Gerunong Mit..

Veeky Kumang Iban BHF 2011 & Me.
Last but not least to all new friends  from Kumang/Keling Borneo Hornbill Festival 2011..
Keling Finalists:-Austin Koh,Ricky Raca Kimwah,Robson Jelian,Alvin ,Clement Redim,Leornard,Ricky Jores,Cammielyne(Keligit BHF 2011),Susan(Finalist Kumang Iban)  & the others that i cannot mention here...nice to know you all...
Me & Austin
Susan,Robson,Veeky,Austin & Me..

with Cammielyne(Keligit BHF 2011) after Coronation

with  Ricky Francis,Clement  at Backstage
After the Keling Gawai's Coronation..

Fierce Sea Dayak Headhunter of Borneo???pose......

Keling Gawai smiling...
The day when my smile
was so BRILLIANT..


Monday, July 4, 2011

Venture into something new in my life.

Welcome to the new month of July seems year 2011 passed us by too fast & we are here at the middle of year 2011.So, how about our New year 2011 Resolutions??do we have accomplished part of  them or a lots of time required to achieve our dreams..time seems never enough ...i think in the middle of the year is the most busiest period for every creatures in this entire earth..Do I'm rite??.

Since an early of the year we are still in the blues  & end of year when is the perfect time to "break away"  and all the major events in our life have been completed whether its succeed or fail

.In between, a little update from me for this month..I'm consider this month my schedule quit "Hectic" for me personally.

Since, started from last month..i was so busy with my own personal agenda.Participating myself with ""Borneo Hornbill Festival 2011"" this coming 21-24 July 2011& attended 2 casting sessions with (DZMS Modelling Agency & New Look Casting) so far & learning Ngajat Dance since tomorrow postponed anyway (this wednesday(7.00am to 9.30 am)i will participate with Warisan Sarawak to promote the event(BHF) live on TV station at RTM1(early morning show.Selamat Pagi 1Malaysia Live Show) therefore we are required to wear "Full Costume"  & prepare our Ngajat Dance and Photo shoot with "Iban Traditional Costume" for Studio at Damansara Perdana &  now i'm looking  for my female model partner for this job(those possess an Iban Woman Costume).
& last but not least, I'm glad i have venture into something new in my life after turning 30-rocks last March.. no matter what people said...just be yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!


Photo shoot at Bukit Gemilang for Iban Traditional Costume

Thursday, June 9, 2011

i'm coming "home"(Kuching) tonite.

'm coming home..tell the world i'm comin' home..tonite!!!yeah..i had packed my stuff to come back to Kuching tonite(my last trip in Kuching was last Jan 8,2011(link).Just printed my "online Boarding Pass".since i had performed "AIR ASIA web check in".thanks for the technology that help me performed "check in" smoothly.i hope this time i wouldn't miss my flight  just like last January 2011 in Miri(Miri-Kch)(i was end up flew with  MASWings(link)(Miri-Mulu -Kuching) after AIRASIA closed their counter  ) since that time i didn't aware about "web-check in" that would help me if i'm reach airport late after my aunt dragged me with her "long conversation" since her house is next to Miri Airport.Huhu...

Anyway,4 days in Kuching far  i have no plan where i should go..since i will visit my Sister & Family.Anyone can bring me "Jalan-Jalan cari makan"while i'm in Kuching?? put your hand up!!!

Bonus:i'm coming Home

My Primary School:S.R.B Cardinal Vaughan Song,Sarawak.

S.R.B (Sekolah Rendah Bantuan)Cardinal Vaughan Song (Now SK Cardinal Vaughan)is where i had spent my childhood & schooling year for 6 years (1988-1993)here.Formerly was a convent school & set up before independent i guess.since my "Apai" also spent his schooling years here 1960s.Nice to see this school has changed if compared with my time here...for my ex-classmate (1988-1993) where are you all now???

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH near SRB Cardinal Vaughan Song
(since it a Former CONVENT set up by this CONGREGATION)
LINK:From my last post:Finally a road to Song,Sarawak

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

" How to get six pack " or " How to Abs "

  Do you ever experience the situation like this:-When you walk in to the room  & your buddy said .."Perut you buncitlah "  or.."Perut tu Perut tu!!""..or ..While you are standing they touching your stomach that give a bad signal  & that is not a good indicator...& you take your deep breath & try to hide them..with your fake body posture...In fact, stomach is the most sensitive part in human part because its tend to show them self (the tummy) when you not take care of them....When i was a student i was so skinny & after  i'm working and the tummy tend to show them i have to redeem my self to prevent this " situation " happen on me ..before it to late to do so.(since now buddy said" you ada sikit -sikit buncit lah Labu"!!)... so,i'm working on my Abs ....

Many people want know : " how to get six pack " or " how to Abs " , answer is easy : " Use this Abs workout " . Your Fitness instructor now is free, just click play and see this video abs workout , follow the music.So do i...........say no to tummy abs...& say yes to six pax abs.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An elongated ears of Kayan Maiden-My mother's Day Story.

My mother before
she possess an
elongated ears.
(in 1960s)
in Long Bemang
When my mother was young.she possessed a  beautiful "an elongated ears" to proud for.since she is a Kayan(link) girl.she must possessed the long ears in order to be the fairest maiden amongst the Kayan girl  Community.In ancients times, "an elongated ears"   was a benchmark to measured the beauties of Kayan matters how beautiful you are naturally.but without that trend .You just like a queen without a "crown".Therefore,my mother  was a beautiful just the way she is with her "an elongated ears".Since it's a must have accessories to complete the beautiful Kayan ladies.

After the Harvest seasons was over.The harvest festival is approaching..during this Harvest Seasons the villagers always organised the harvest festival and ethnic beauty pageant .The quest for new "Keligit"(the most beautiful Kayan Maiden) is begins as
a major event.All the wannabe Keligit were participated so does my mother.

As a Keligit to be.. she did whatever it takes to become the most beautiful kayan maiden in the pageant .The major requirement is must possessed an "elongated ears lobe" .Eventually,during the coronation night she was announced as a newly crowned "Keligit" for that festival.Unfortunately,the joy of celebration  seems a temporary.When after that contest  one of defeated Keligit had pulled her lovely "elongated ears lobe" and it was torn apart!!.After that incidents,her ears were recovered back to normal  and no longer " elongated ears lobe"  for her since then.

In fact,this story was narrated by my mother when i was a young as a "Story for Bedtime".That was her very own story no fairy tale elements.Since the Mother's Day just around the Corner.This story always clung in my mind & it reminds me who my mother was..& she made me proud and make me knew where I'm belong.we live today because of our  past generations that passed the baton to us to regeneration.We have to become a mother or father to someone sooner or later ..let we appreciate who they are in our matters bad or good our experiences with them..Happy Mother's Day to my "Indai"or "Inai"...

" Elongated ears lobe"  trend is no longer applicable in modern day .In fact,nowadays the young generations no longer apply this trend as a way of life(my mother was a last generations to apply it).may be it irrelevant & outdated fashion for the new century.Who knows it would rebirth as a contemporary fashion one day.Just like Bornean traditional tattooing(link)..

Dayak Girl in Kalimantan
What American's blogger Wild Borneo said about this fashion.

Dayak Brass Large Spinning Top Ear Weights

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Friendship with Orang Asli at Kg Sg Relong Batu Kusir,Cameron Highlands.

i would like to called this Post as a FRIENDSHIP . It was last weekend(30 Apr-1 May)  we had visited  Orang Asli Village at Kg Sg Relong Batu Kusir,Cameron Highlands.i had encountered with a wonderful people(Orang Asli Kids) & Wonderful creature ( this Dog)..he is similar with HACHIKO & his name is "Black"...i felt blessed during this trip...despite all the rough & tough journey to reached there(RED DIRT ROAD).personally i felt that in this life we have to get out & discovery something new in our life, meet new people & make a new friend..Life is about LIVE.LOVE and LET GO(link) .
"HACHIKO" & Me..


A good time with Orang Asli's children.

Orang Asli Village at Kg Sg Relong Batu Kusir,Cameroon Highlands

THE BAMBOO  HUT:Our accommodation  during our stay

Our RED DIRT ROAD  journey using 4X4

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