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Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation.

Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation.(Circa  early 1900s - 1980s)
Influence :Europe?? ..
Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation is highly influenced from Europe since in olden days Dyak used British Coins as their ornamentation for "Status Symbol" by Org Kaya Iban in 1800s
Wealth today is often invisible , as we cannot see inside another person's bank account.Some people like to show their wealth discreetly  while others choose to wear as jewellery or decoration.

Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation
(circa 2010-2013)
Images: Miss Sarawak Ethnic(Sea Dyak) 

(Borneo Hornbill Festival)
(British Museum) :Silver coins as part of Ornamentation.

Wealth today is often invisible , as we cannot see inside another person's bank account.Some people like to show their wealth discreetly  while others choose to wear as jewellery or decoration.
Headdresses like this one ,from Palestine include silver coins as part of their ornamentation.

Being small money can easily be concealed for safekeeping ,However ,people often like to give an indication of their wealth for example by keeping money out of sight ,but in an expensive wallet.Money can also be used as adornment,and since coins and banknotes often feature elaborate and artistic designs,they are ideal for incorporation into jewellery.

(British Museum) :The beginnings of Money.

British Museum
The British Museum is a museum in London dedicated to human history and culture. Its permanent collection, numbering some 8 million works, is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence and originates from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present.

Related Post:travel-log-london united-kingdom-nov-2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

London & Paris Tour -Nov/Dec 2013


Date (Fixed)

20th Nov 2013 to 2nd Dec 2013

Flight Schedule:
Malaysia Airlines (MAS) .
20th Nov 2013 : KL-London (10.45am)
2nd Dec 2013 :Paris – KL (12.00pm)                       

Tour Financing
Total Cost including flight ticket from Kuala Lumpur to London and from Paris to Kuala Lumpur, transportation for London-Paris, accomodations in London and Paris and ground tour packages in London and Paris

Places to be visited in LONDON/PARIS
Factory Outlet –LV,Coacah,Gucci,Ralph Lauren, Burberry,Guess
British Museum
Covent Garden
Tower London
Royal Albert hall
Tower Bridge
The Monument
St Paul Cathedral
National Gallery
National Portrait Gallery
Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square
Parliament Square
The London Dungeon
Marble Arch
Natural History Museum
London Eye
Oxford Street Shopping
Eiffel Tower
The Louvre
Notre Dame Cathedral 
Payment (Scheduled Installments)

First : RM2,000.00 by 17 May, 2013 (non refundable upon cancellation)
Second : RM1,000.00 30 June, 2013
Third : RM1,000.00 30 July,2013
Fourth: RM700 30 August,2013
Fifth : RM700 Sept, 2013
Sixth : RM700 30 Oct, 2013
Seventh : RM700 Nov , 2013

Total: RM6,800.00
Limited places for 20 participants only.
 (First paid first served)

General Terms and Conditions :
1. All dates specified for the tour are fixed and not subject to any changes.

2. The total cost of RM6800 is all inclusive of flight tickets, accomodations and ground tour and transport

3. Tour cost also includes budget accomodations in London and Paris, transportation from london to Paris, ground tours and transport in London (London Tube) and Paris (Paris Metro)

4. Meals are at your own cost, but we will provide guides for economical meals (Tips and Tricks) for budget control purposes.

5. After the first payment is fulfilled, participants are not allowed to withdraw from this program. Withdrawn participation will render your first payment to be forfeited and not refundable upon cancellation.

6. All participants are expected to give full cooperation to tour organizer to ensure a hassle free, safe and meaningful tour.

7. Each participant is responsible for his/her own passport processing/ application. No travel Visa is required for London and Paris tour. 

8. Interested individuals are required to email your name, contact details and every companion names and details to / call 0162592067(Paren Nyawi)

9. The tour organizer reserves the right to issue amendments and updates accordingly.

10. Flights begin and end at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Any other arrangements to and from Kuala Lumpur is at the participants responsibility and all cost to and from Kuala Lumpur shall be borne by participants.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

TRAVEL LOG:Visiting Highlands Apiary Farm (Bee Farm at Cameron Highlands)(May 1, 2011)

After leaving Nursery near Tanah Rata .our last destination was Highlands Bee Farm which is located at Lot 204 & Lot 206  1/2 km Jln Boh 39200 Ringlet Cameron Highlands before we drive back to KL.This is a BEE Farm..but they also planting Strawberry & Sunflower..but unfortunately that time the strawberry is immature & not available for sale.





Labour Day(1 May 2011) at Cameron Highlands

After lunch we leaving(link) Kg Sg Relong,Pos Menson..the day was raining when we reached the the main road..Our next destination should be Tanah Rata. but unfortunately our planning was cancelled after we facing a jam 1 km before reach there since that day is public holiday not a right time  for us & we have to changed our plan & stop at this Nursery for a while to get a souvenir to bring back to KL..I have forgot the shop name since we stop for a while..for the those are looking for a flowers for gardening this place is the perfect place to visit since it offers a variety of choices & also the Highlands Vegetables also available..






Snapshot at Orang Asli Village at Cameron Highlands during Labour Day.

These photos are courtesy by Mr Kane from his Handphone..the morning panorama at Orang Asli Village at Cameron Highlands...the morning breeze & Sunrise ..before the sunday service...and below are few famous quotes about Nature & the morning...
Morning  inside The Bamboo Hut..

The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn't, matters not a jot. The possibility is always there.

As you sit on the hillside, or lie prone under the trees of the forest, or sprawl wet-legged by a mountain stream, the great door, that does not look like a door, opens
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.
I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.

To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.

During our way back from Kg Sg Relong to SK Menson using 4X4 ..through RED DIRT ROAD..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunday morning Breeze at Kg Sg Relong,Cameron Highlands

 Sunday (May 1-during Labour Day)morning breeze at Kg Sungai Relong after sleeping tight inside the Bamboo Hut !!!with the Morning Breeze at Cameron Highlands ..Joy is in cool mornings,A cool morning breeze when the sun is bright;Joy is in this feeling,Of rebirth and delight...Gratitude towards the Creator!! for that wonderful day!!
“Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.”

Morning Breeze at Kg Sg Relong,Cameron Highlands
Joy is in cool mornings,
A cool morning breeze when the sun is bright;
Joy is in this feeling,
Of rebirth and delight.

Sg  Relong
 And I yearn to wake up and awaken;
I yearn to walk beneath the light;
I yearn to walk just near the trees,
And watch some little birds in flight.

I yearn to walk just near the Relong's bridge,
And watch the waves at river;
There’s nothing I could ask for more,
Than earth’s enchanting melody.

 In the early hour of the day,
When night has just passed away;
When all is fresh, and all is beautiful,
When all is brilliant, ever pure.




Joy is in cool mornings;
A stroll amidst a brand new day,
When life is just beginning,
When angels sing and dance and pray!

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