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Showing posts with label Vietnam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vietnam. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2010

Water Puppets Show in Hanoi.

When we visited the other countries,,besides we do the sightseeing things..sometimes the Cultural Show is the "must" list to complete our journey...The 2 hours Water Puppets show in Hanoi is another attractions in Hanoi besides The Halong Bay ..Link my last Post.. & Hoan Kiam Lake..Link my last Post...

The Water Puppet at Glance.
"Water Puppet is a unique art which has it origin in the delta of the Red river in the tenth century. The farmers in this region devised a form of entertainment using what natural medium they can find in their environment. In ancient times, the ponds and the rice paddies after harvest were the stage for these impromptu shows. This art form is unique to North Vietnam and only finds its way to the world stage in recent years as a result of the normalized relation with the West. Today the Thang Long puppet troupe is the most well known in HaNoi."

Modern, water puppetry is performed in a pool of water with the water surface being the stage. The puppeteers stand behind a screen and control the puppets using long bamboo rods and string mechanism hidden beneath the water surface. The puppets are carved out of wood and often weigh up to 15 kg. A traditional Vietnamese orchestra provides background music accompaniment. Singers of Cheo (a form of opera) with origin in north Vietnam sing songs which tell the story being acted out by the puppets.

"The theme of the skits is rural and has a strong reference to Vietnamese folklore. It tells of day-to-day living in rural Vietnam and Vietnamese folk tales that are told by grandparents to their grandchildren. Stories of the harvest, of fishing and of festivals are highlighted. Legends and national history are also told through short skits. Many of the skits, especially those involving the tales of day-to-day living, often have a humorous twist."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Emperor of Vietnam Dynasty.

Lý Thái Tổ ruled Vietnam as emperor for 19 years from 1009 to 1028 under the Lý D‎ynasty of which he was the founder.He has 9 empresses.

Early Life
He was born at Cổ Pháp Pagoda, At the age of 3, his mother brought him back to the pagoda. Lý Khánh Văn, superior monk of the pagoda, adopted him and named him Lý Công Uẩn. He came in to the pagoda and became a monk there.
Lý Thái Tổ died in 1028 at the age of 55 according to the account of the East which often included the time before birth in the lifespan. He was buried at Thọ Lăng”Mausoleum of Longevity meaning the , at Thiên Đức Palace. His name in the temple was Thái Tổ meaning Superior Ancestor; his posthumous name was “Thần Vũ Hoàng Đế” meaning Emperor Deity of Martial Art.
Statue of Lý Thái Tổ beside the Hoàn Kiếm lake in Hanoi

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tortoise is Vietnam National Animal.

Hoan Kiem Lake."Lake of the Returned Sword" or "Lake of the Restored Sword"Hanoi Vietnam.

The entrance of Hoan Kiem Lake.

      Near the northern shore of the lake lies Jade Island on which the Ngoc Son Temple (Jade Mountain Temple) stands. The temple was erected in the 18th century. It honors the 13-century military leader Tran Hung Dao who distinguished himself in the fight against the Yuan Dynasty, Van Xuong, a scholar, and Nguyen Van Sieu, a Confucian master and famous writer in charge of repairs made to the temple in 1864.
Ngoc Son Temple.(Jade Mountain Temple)

Huc Bridge
Jade Island is connected to the shore by the wooden red-painted Huc Bridge (The Huc, meaning Morning Sunlight Bridge).

The Tortoise legends.
When entering the Jade Mountain Temple you could see a "Giant Tortoise " has displaying inside & it has it very own legends to Vietnam.

Tortoise in Vietnam legends.

Many legends of Vietnam connect closely to the turtle. In Yao dynasty of China, a Vietnamese King's envoy offered a sacred turtle  which was carved Khoa Đẩu script on its carapace writing all things happening from the time Sky and Earth had just been born. Yao King ordered a person to copy it and called it Turtle Calendar.

Another legend told that Kim Quy Deity (literally: Golden Turtle Deity) came into sight and crawled after An Dương Vương's pray. Following the Deity's foot prints, a Dương Vương built Co Loa citadel in spiral model as a result.
Furthermore, a Dương Vương was given present a Kim Quy Deity's claw to make the trigger , one part of the crossbow named Linh Quang Kim Trảo Thần Nỏ which is the military secret of winning Zhao Tuo. Unfortunately, a wicked scheme of stealing the sacred crossbow through a political marriage made Vietnam lose its sovereignty for 1000 years hence.

A 15th century- legend told that Lê Lợi returned his sacred sword named Thuận Thiên (literally: Heaven's Will) to Golden Turtle in Lục Thủy lake after he had won Ming's army. That is why Lục Thủy lake was renamed to Sword Lake or Returning Sword lake . This action symbolizes taking leave of weapons for peace

In mythology, legends, and folklore

Tortoise — is the symbol of wisdom, and is able to defend itself on its own. It personifies Water, Moon, Mother-Earth, Time, Immortality, and Fertility. The starting of creation is associated with the tortoise and it is also believed that the tortoise bears the burden of the whole world.

The turtle has a prominent position as a symbol of steadfastness and tranquility in religion, mythology, and folklore from around the world.

Tortoise Tower is a small tower in the middle of Sword Lake, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Traffic Jam in Hanoi

As a Malaysian the traffic jam is part of the metropolitan way of life..& we have to facing with it every day..but in Hanoi it has a difference way if compared in Kuala Lumpur traffic jam..& it has a very own Vietnamese traffic Jam..since it jam with Motorbikes & they don't even wearing a helmet like us...the day when stuck in traffic jam when on the way to Inland Bay(Mini Halong Bay)..3 hours trip from Hanoi...


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halong Bay - Bay of the Descending Dragon

 Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site,The bay consists of a dense cluster of over 3,000 limestone monolithic islands.Some of the islands support floating villages of fishermen.
Vinh Ha Long or Bay of the Descending Dragon is often touted by proud Vietnamese as the world's Eighth wonder. One of the main attractions of Ha long is the bay's calm water and the thousands of limestone mountains dotting the seascape. The Bay's water is clear during the spring and early summer. Some of the islands are quite large and there are small alcoves with sandy beaches where swimming is possible. Ha Long bay lies in the northeastern part of Vietnam and is 165 Km from Hanoi. 

Ha Long literally means descending dragon(s) and according to local myth, the story goes as follows:

Long ago when their forefathers(Vietnamese) were fighting foreign invaders from the north(China), the gods from heaven sent a family of dragons to help defend their land. This family of dragons descended upon what is now Ha Long bay and began spitting out jewels and jade. Upon hitting the sea, these jewels turned into the various islands and islets dotting the seascape and formed a formidable fortress against the invaders. The locals were able to keep their land safe and formed what is now the country of Vietnam. The Dragon family fell so much in love with this area for its calm water and for the reverence of the people of Vietnam that they decided to remain on earth. Mother dragon lies on what is now Ha Long and where her children lie is Bai Tu Long. The dragon tails formed the area of Bach Long Vi known for the miles of white sandy beaches of Tra Co peninsula 

This myth is in line with the Vietnamese myth of their origin Con Rong Chau Tien. This myth describes the union between a king (representing the dragon) and his bride (representing a goddess) giving birth to 100 children which are the ancestors of the Vietnamese people. The Ha Long myth illustrate the Vietnamese belief of their origin and the fact that throughout their history, they are aided by their ancestors, the dragon and the gods, in the defense of their land.
The map of Halong Bay


limestone monolithic islands

Halong Bay JUNK..

My Trip to Halong Bay..
it was taken place almost 3 years ago(Aug 2007)..

On cruise

Halong Bay pose!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We are here-Hanoi Trip

We are here----L.H.LEE & CO  15/8/2007..wa..that was taken place almost 3 yrs ago...
when we hv visited Hanoi..although now i'm no longer with them..BUT this memories is never fade ..hahaah..i was longing my times with LHLEE..huhuhu...4 years is a lot of things happened & it thought me a lot of lesson & moulded me a person i wanted to be...

in front of historical monument at Hanoi..must visit place at Hanoi & there u will see Ho Chi Ming Tomb & his preservative body..(the  mummy??)
In front of our hotel..the welcoming banner WELCOME L.H.LEE &CO dated 14 August 2007.


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