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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Through the years..(Speechless & Sunrise)..2010.

 Bonjour! now the end of the year 2010. this 11 months I'm glad that how God protects  me from harm & his provisions & blessing is always abundantly...I'm speechless...just like this..jeng3xxx

As i looking outside my house year 2010 is just like the scenery out was colourful though there are rain & thunderstorm is on my way ..there is the time for every purpose under heaven.. the day for laugh & vice versa..the day for Sunrise & also for sunset...i would like to share how beautiful life out there when we look out through our window & there is colourful sunrise for our eyes to see "How God purposes in our life is a beautiful just like what i have seen from my Balcony...its bring a new hope every morning that God is always with us..through the years...

Captured on June 12 ..7.24 am ..SUNRISE

Sunrise from my balcony.....
Lastly..i would like to dedicated this song "THROUGH THE YEARS BY KENNY ROGERS

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