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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Celebrating 10 Inspiring Years..

   10 days,10 years = 1 decade,2010 equal to 10.10.10.......what a nice number!

10 days(since today is 21st dec) to go before we welcome  a new year 2011& that means we will  step to a new decade ..the same time 10 years back in Dec 2000 ...when i was 1st time stepping my foot at Subang Airport to registered myself as a student  & that month was my first time celebrating my 1st Christmas in KL at Chow Kit...& that was 10 years past (equivalent to 1 decade) ....However,.what i still remember that was my 1st time baptized by Holy Spirit during " the whole night praying session"............& as now is Dec 2010...i still can't believe it..I had spent  a decade as a Youngster (Dec 2000-Dec 2010) in "West Malaysia"....thanks God for your provision,protection,guidance,blessed for this 10 years...for i know that is HIS plan is full of hope & harmless yet perfect through the GOLDEN YEARS....Right now i don't know what lies ahead in future but I'm hoping that next another DECADE  is another GREAT life Journey with HIM.....& AS he would  sets a Footprints in the Sand.. after my journey end...welcome to new decade in LIFE...Goodbye my Golden years.

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