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Friday, April 1, 2011

Make Iban second language.

such a good effort to upgrade an Iban Language to a Second Language...Personally, i was studied an Iban language formally for 6 years ( From Standard 3 to Standard 6) during Primary school & continue in Secondary School from (Form 1 to Form 3) & i had obtained Gred B during my PMR Exam in " Bahasa Iban"..

GOOD NEWS IN Iban Laguage..
 Iban language taught in primary and secondary schools in Sarawak should be recognised as a second language just like Tamil and Mandarin.
Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang said the state government wished to have the status of the language to be on par with other mother tongues namely Tamil and Mandarin which were offered in vernacular schools in the country.
Currently, Iban is taught as an elective subject in upper secondary forms only from Form 3 to 5, while classes for the language in Primary 1 only started this year.
“We want the language to have the same recognition given to Tamil and Mandarin in our education system which has its own vernacular syllabus that is offered and taught from Primary 1 to Form 6,” he said when officiating at a dinner held by Iban Women Charitable Trust (IWCT) and Sarakup Indu Dayak Sarawak (SIDS) here, Saturday.
Jabu said he had been monitoring the performance of rural schools and schools that offered Iban language in public examinations.
I receive every UPSR, PMR, SPM and STPM result analysis of rural schools every year and I’m glad to note that generally, these schools are showing academic improvement,” he said, adding that 49 out of 51 schools that offered Iban language in last year’s SPM achieved 100% passes.
Jabu called on Dayaks to place education as their top priority and help each other to succeed in every field be it politics, economics and social.
He said parents should work closely with parent-teacher associations and school authorities in mapping out their children’s tertiary education and career paths.
SIDS and IWCT chairperson Datuk Seri Empiang Jabu said the trust was keen to work with Iban women non-governmental organisations in educating the women so that they would be as competent and competitive in various disciplines as their male counterparts.
The trust had raised RM325,000 through fund raisers and government grants to be distributed to SIDS branches for education, computer literacy, income generating projects, skill enrichment projects, food production and cottage industry start-up, she said.
“IWCT does not forget our Dayak sisters from the Federation of Orang Ulu Malaysia and Dayak Bidayuh National Association which will also receive some funds,” she said.

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