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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

50 years above old longhouses are National Heritage Buildings.

Nice to hear that the Government has proposing to gazette all traditional longhouses which are more than 50 years old be declared national heritage buildings.(Source:The Star)

One of them is Sarawak’s second oldest longhouse, Rumah Wilson Begat Bakir, located 30km from Betong, will be registered under the National Heritage Act.

The 21-door longhouse, made from solid belian 85 years ago, will go into the record.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said:-
“The Dayak longhouses are a part of Malaysia’s richness. They have their own significance. Just look at all the arts and crafts. They are priceless,” 

Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang said:-

“Our longhouses are a representation of natives’ togetherness and strong willpower,”
“When this rumah was built, it was using simple chisels and hammers.
In fact, even to gather enough hardwood took four to five years. Each log had to be pulled by more than 10 men each time. It is no wonder it has withstood the test of time.” 
Protection under the NATIONAL HERITAGE ACT would see Rumah Wilson ‘outlive’ residents and preserve tradition in the face of modernisation, 

After almost 50 years Sarawak has joined Federation  of Malaysia ..Why NOW???

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