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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Iban Folklore: Sendi and Guang Story

SENDI was a lovely young lady, with gentle manners and a sweet voice.Many of the young men were in love with her.But she didn't listen to any of the bachelors in her longhouse."SENDI is proud!" some of the young men said to each other.But this was not true.

When she was still a young girl.SENDI had a strange dream.In this dream,her late grandmother told her that when she grew up she would marry a man called GUANG.

SENDI always hoped she would meet GUANG at a Gawai Festival.But nobody in all the longhouses on UNDUP RIVER was called by that name

"SENDI will never get married!"the old ladies said ,shaking their heads while they are betel nut.
"How can she ever find a man called GUANG.

"One morning ,SENDI asked her farther for a longboat.
"i have to go on a journey ,father." she said.

and her quest for GUANG is begins.............

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