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Friday, September 6, 2013

My"MINI KABO" @Several Occasions.(Org Ulu bead ornament)

After my last post about my Kabo (Jan 2012)..
If more of us (the younger generation) wear these beads, it’d be like setting the trend. Perhaps that is one way of keeping our tradition alive!!!.”(David Lian Labang@TheStar 2007)

here is another journey of My funky bead ornaments .Simplified Kabo  (Red seed bead bobble) necklace..

 Treasure of Borneo
"MINI KABO" @Several Occasions.(Org Ulu bead ornament)
At Tokyo Disneyland,Press Conference(Bangsar),Bernama TV, TV1 & TV2

 Treasure of Borneo
"MINI KABO" @Several Occasions.(Org Ulu bead ornament)
Top fr Left: Jose & Alex(Dayak friend frm Kalimantan Barat), Chloe Chen(Miss Msia World 2011), Melissa Francis(Iban Singer),Hazel Desmond(TV1 Presenter)
Bottom fr Left: Kenji Tanaka(Japanese Friend) ,Aizdean(Jpop Singer fr Msia at Japan),Terrence Dass (TV2
Host) & Agustus Sapen(from Warisan Swak)

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