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Saturday, December 28, 2013

HACHIKO's STORY: How well can we wait?

HACHIKO statue at  Shibuya Tokyo railway train TOKYO JAPAN
        In 1924 ,Hidesaburo Ueno ,a professor in the agriculture dpt at the University of Tokyo,took in a pet dog which he named HACHIKO.During the professor's life , HACHIKO greeted him at the end of each day at the Shibuya railway station where the professor got off after returning from work.This scene  was a daily occurence until May 1925, when one day Professor Ueno did not arrive as usual .The professor had suffered from a cerebral haemorrhage & died.  
  He would never return to train station where HACHIKO was waiting.Remarkably his pet dog would wait faithfully every day for a total of a 9 years at the station for its master to return.The dog was given away after his master's death but he would escape  & find his way to the train station where he would faithfully & patiently wait for him.Many people who frequently used the station began to notice the dog & remembered that it belonged to the professor .They began to provide food for the dog as it waited precisely at the time the train was due to arrive.
    Eventually the dog became  a national sensation  & a symbol of faithfulness & family loyalty.
    HOW WELL CAN WE WAIT? Could we wait patiently like HACHIKO in our life.....
  WAITING  & HOPING are wound together like the strands of a rope..
 Images:HACHIKO statue at SHIBUYA railway train TOKYO JAPAN
Borneo Culture Tour Tokyo June 2012
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