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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation.

Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation.(Circa  early 1900s - 1980s)
Influence :Europe?? ..
Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation is highly influenced from Europe since in olden days Dyak used British Coins as their ornamentation for "Status Symbol" by Org Kaya Iban in 1800s
Wealth today is often invisible , as we cannot see inside another person's bank account.Some people like to show their wealth discreetly  while others choose to wear as jewellery or decoration.

Silver coins as part of Sea Dayak's Ornamentation
(circa 2010-2013)
Images: Miss Sarawak Ethnic(Sea Dyak) 

(Borneo Hornbill Festival)
(British Museum) :Silver coins as part of Ornamentation.

Wealth today is often invisible , as we cannot see inside another person's bank account.Some people like to show their wealth discreetly  while others choose to wear as jewellery or decoration.
Headdresses like this one ,from Palestine include silver coins as part of their ornamentation.

Being small money can easily be concealed for safekeeping ,However ,people often like to give an indication of their wealth for example by keeping money out of sight ,but in an expensive wallet.Money can also be used as adornment,and since coins and banknotes often feature elaborate and artistic designs,they are ideal for incorporation into jewellery.

(British Museum) :The beginnings of Money.

British Museum
The British Museum is a museum in London dedicated to human history and culture. Its permanent collection, numbering some 8 million works, is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence and originates from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present.

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