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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy Independence Day ,Negara Sarawak(22th July 2015)

To All Sarawakians,

Happy Independence Day.

Lately, there have been many calls for greater autonomy for Sarawak and looking at the current scenerio they have a strong basis and should not be taken for granted.

The echo of the slogan 'Sarawak for Sarawakians' is now spreading statewide and we would be rather naived not to say that it have been floating in many Sarawakians minds and its a matter of time, the bubble might burst.

Sarawak have been subjected to the prolong constructive neglect by the Federal for 50 over years and among the major areas that have been constantly bugging the Sarawakians mind includes but not limited to as stated below.

■ the misproportionate in the representation of Sarawakian in the civil services.

■ the misproportionate of Sarawakian holding top management posts in the civil services.

■ the misproportionate in the representation of Sarawakian in the directorship of Government Linked Companies(GLCs).

■ the major disparity gap with respect to the infrastructure development between the Peninsular and Sarawak that resulted in the state lagging further behind in many infra facilities like communications, utilities and roads that linked the major towns.

■ the demotion of Sarawak from a country to state level thus further deprived it of bigger budget allocations despite being the 'cash cow', a major contributor role from its oil & gas resources. 

■ Sarawak despite being mega rich in natural resources but still lagging behind in major project development.

■ Sarawak vastly geographic area coupled with a small population of less than 3 million (as compared to the country's  about 30 million), is only about a tenth of the population thus the State is being 'drowned' when it comes to budget allocation.

Therefore, without special intervention with respect to budget allocations and affirmation actions, Sarawak would forever be lagging behind in terms of infra development.

The Chronology of events of major significance to Sarawak are:

■ 9th July 1963, the Malaysian Agreement was signed in London.

■ 22nd July 1963, Sarawak declared its independence and the Union Jack was lowered.

■ 16th September 1963, the Malaysian Agreement was enforced and 'The Federation of Malaysia' was declared.

The 31st August 1957 date is insignificance to both Sarawak & Sabah which is totally a Malayan's affair.

Sarawak & Sabah were the unwilling partners being dragged to celebrate it for the last 50 years!

Failure to make good and correct the above major disparities, misproportions and to recognize those significance dates,  would further create more negative impact in the long run that have the possibility to cause more harm than good.

This would further escalates greater resentment thus further mistrusts between Sarawak and the Federal.

Sarawakians are known for their undivided loyalty, patience, accomodative, resilience and hospitality but when they are being pushed to their limits, they are also no pushovers, as they too, do still have their inherited fighting spirits, 'Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban'.

Quote by Tun Jugah:

'Anang aja Malaysia tu baka tebu, manis di pun tabar di ujung'.

'Malaysia should not be like the sugar cane, sweet in the beginning but sour towards the end'.

It's timely for us to call for the changed before we are being subjected to the changed by the others.

Enti ukai diatu kemaya agi.
Enti ukai kitai sapa agi.

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