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Monday, April 3, 2017

My visit to Rh Timban again on March 2017

   After my last visit to Rh Timban Sungai Iran Song, Sarawak on 23rd Dec 2016 for Christmas.
 One fine Sunday evening , on 12th March 2017 , i was here again for different reason. In fact , Rh Timban had built up their relationship with me since i came back mid of 2015. My past relationship with them was 18 years ago. When I was young back in the end of 1990s i used to visited this long house(mulai ka pengingat).

 The purpose for this visit is to hand over the donation for SIB Emperan Munti which located at Rh Timban. This new church was officially operated on January 2016.As a new church , they are still lack of equipment for their sunday services, Since ,i had experience last Christmas when no sound system for speaker or emcee and we had seated on the floor. I think this little contribution would help them so much for their activities in the future,

I am grateful because my contribution would help this church to grow. As a person , i am glad i'm still able to do this even the election was over !!
My background , Song Town in SARAWAK

Mode of transportation to Sungai Iran Song SARAWAK

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