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Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ukai "Ngelaban Perintah" tang "Nukar Parti ti megai Perintah"

Photo Credit:DAP Katibas
Lokasi:Sungai Katibas ,Song Sarawak
"Anang ngelaban perintah " : semenjak  kembali ke Katibas 6 bulan lepas "Statement" ini sangat popular di Kalangan orang-orang tua dan penduduk pedalaman Sarawak di sebabkan kenyataan seorang YB dari Barisan Nasional yang cuba "ngeremba" (menakut-nakutkan) rakyat tetapi sekarang pihak BN sedang mengunakan jentera JKKK  & dan timbul kata-kata orang kampung baru-baru ini setelah rumah panjang mereka menerima bantuan MRP (Minor Rural Project) khususnya bagi "Tuai Rumah" yang dilhat menunjukkan sokongan yang "kuat" kepada parti yang sedang memerintah iaitu "BN"

1)Sapa ke nulung kita ianya meh di sokong kitai laban perintah udah nulung kitai meri "Prujik"(Project), ila  anang enda  nyunting Perintah .
(Terjemahan BM:Siapa yang membantu kita dengan memberikan projek (MRP) dialah yang kita akan pangkah .Disebabkan kerajaan yang bantu kita pangkah kerajaan)( Pangkah kerajaan ker Parti ??)

2) Nama kediulih DAP nyak ,ukai sida meri kita Prujik tang BN meri kitai perujik.
( Terjemanah BM:Apa yang kita dapat dengan menyokong DAP (di Katibas) selama ini BN yang bagi kita Projek (MRP) (Kenyataan seorang anak muda yang berfikiran cetek dan seperti katak dibawah tempurung)

3) Ukai ulih dilaban dik(nuan) Perintah ,parti penyakal ukai nyak bisi duit(RM).
( Terjemahan BM: Mana dapat lawan dengan kerajaan ,parti pembangkang bukannya ada duit )
(Ini lagilah tak tau kita hidup dalam negara Demokrasi Berparlimen)

4) "Mali" enti enda nyunting BN laban sida udah merik kita RM enang enda kitai ngundi sida.
(Terjemahan BM: "Tak baik" kalau kita tak undi BN sebab mereka dah bagi kita RM.)
( Mali adalah seperti pantang larang orang dulu,kalau org tu dah buat baik dengan kita,maka harus dibalas kebaikan orang itu)

Statement  penduduk Katibas di atas sangat jelas mereka "buta politik""Otak dah kena cuci" & "sangat kasihan"  tak tahu membezakan kan Kerajaan dan Parti yang memerintah.

Dua kenyataan  dari Tuai Rumah (Ketua Kampung):
TUAI RUMAH A: Saya tak boleh memaksa mana-mana penduduk kampung ini untuk undi mana-mana parti dengan mengunakan "kapasiti saya sebagai Tuai Rumah" sebab undi adalah hak individu.

TUAI RUMAH B:Memandangkan  kerajaan dah bagi kita Projek Kipas,Projek Ubahsuai Rumah & segala macam projek "Gula-Gula"Kita harus undi BN(Bankrupt Nation).

Jawapan saya kepada mereka :
Ukai "Ngelaban Perintah" tang "Nukar Parti ti megai Perintah"
(Bukan "Lawan Kerajan"tetapi "menukar Parti yang memerintah Kerajaan")
UBAH, Anang Takut, Anang Surut. Sarawak for Real Change.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Government will upgrade WATER TREATMENT PLANT in Song ,Sarawak ?

 The constant interruption of treated water supply in Song during peak hours this year has raised questions on whether the district’s existing water treatment plant has a capacity sufficient to meet the growing population.

“The Song district water treatment plant, providing clean water to a population of about 20,000, is now over 20 years of age and it is time for the facilities to be improved.

is the capacity of the existing plant sufficient to meet the expanding population of Song district considering the increased migration from the interiors over the past decade?

DAP Katibas protem chairman Paren Nyawi said the interruption often occurred between 5pm and 9pm, affecting about 3,000 people in the areas of Kpg Gelam, Kpg Baru, Kpg Cina, Kpg Mission, Kpg Rian and some other residential areas.

Other areas affected included the longhouses at Nanga Kebiaw, Nanga Muyun, Nanga Sepadi, Sungai Sebelalang and Nanga Nyimoh.


Schools were also not spared from the conundrum since June, during the dry season which resulted in low water level from the main source of Sungai Katibas. He said Affected schools included SMK Song, SK Cardinal Vaughan and SJK Hin Hua.

during the dry season which resulted in low water level from the main source of Sungai Katibas.

Several community leaders have met with the 34-year-old social activist to voice their concern over the matter and hoped the government would provide allocation to build a bigger capacity water treatment plant in light of the unveiling of the national Budget 2016 this month.

“The Song district water treatment plant, providing clean water to a population of about 20,000, is now over 20 years of age and it is time for the facilities to be improved.

“The water interruption always occurred during peak hours between 5pm and 9pm and the relevant authority would provide a notice advising the people to ration water. The question is, is the capacity of the existing plant sufficient to meet the expanding population of Song district considering the increased migration from the interiors over the past decade?

We are hoping the government will upgrade this treatment plant. Furthermore, the completion of the Sibu-Song-Kapit road is certain to attract more people to this area,” Paren told The Borneo Post.

He added that previously, the plant was maintained by Public Works Department (JKR) but has since been taken over by the Rural Water Supply Department (JBALB) under the purview of the state’s Public Utilities Ministry.

On a related note, he said some community leaders had raised concern over the quality of water produced by the plant.

He said since the beginning of last month, many villagers had reported of contracting diarrhoea. While some blamed the haze for the poor water quality, many hoped the relevant government agencies would investigate the matter.

“We hope JBALB will conduct a test on the water quality to ensure it meets the requirement of the National Drinking Water Quality Standard and make their findings public,” continued Paren who hails from Nanga Sepadi.
DAP man wants frequent disruption of water supply

National Drinking Water Quality Standard ??
Keadaan di paip SONG ,SARAWAK pada 01.01.2015 
Keadaan di paip SONG ,SARAWAK pada 01.11.2015

Keadaan di paip SONG ,SARAWAK pada 03.11.2015
Read here:
Treated water in Song & National Drinking Water Quality Standard??

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Titik Permulaan baru di Katibas Song ,Sarawak.

Semenjak DAP bertanding di PRU 2013 dalam Parlimen Kapit .Kini usaha itu diteruskan di DUN Katibas dengan melantik Paren Anak Nyawi sebagai Pengerusi Protem DAP Katibas

Paren Anak Nyawi telah diperkenalkan kepada media secara rasmi semasa Ceramah DAP di Sibu pada 21hb Jun 2015 sempena Majlis Pelancaran Ibu Pejabat Sibu.

Justeru ,tanggal pada 25hb Ogos 2015 DAP Katibas telah menjemput Wakil Rakyat DAP untuk mendekati penduduk pendalaman di Pekan Song yang terletak 2 jam perjalanan dengan mengunakan boat express dari bandar Sibu.

Lawatan wakil rakyat DAP itu diketuai oleh  YB Liew Chin Tong(Ahli Parlimen Kluang) denagn ditemani YB Oscar Ling Chai Yew( Ahli Parlimen Sibu) , YB Wong May Ing (Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Pantai Remis Perak) dan Saudara Larry Asap (DAP Kapit) 

Program  “walkabout” DAP Katibas bersama Wakil Rakyat DAP  Sarawak dan DAP Malaysia telah berlangsung sekitar pukul 11 pagi hingga 3 petang  sambil mengedarkan risalah UBAH SARAWAK  kepada penduduk  yang berada di Pekan Song  sebelum berangkat ke Pekan Kapit untuk Randau Ruai Kedai Kopi di Pasar Kapit pada sebelah malamnya.

Dengan penetapan tapak oleh DAP  di kawasan luar Bandar seperti Katibas dan pembukaan Pusat Khidmat DAP Katibas pada 01 September 2015 merupakan suatu sejarah baru dimana DAP GO Rural merupakan usaha serius DAP Sarawak untuk terus memperjuangkan nasib penduduk luar bandar yang ketinggalan dari pelbagai sudut terutamanya kemudahan asas seperti jalan raya, bekalan elektrik , bekalan air dan perhubungan telekomunikasi yang masih lemah. 

FB PAGE:Pusat-Khidmat-DAP-Katibas

Monday, September 21, 2015

The power of change is in the hands of the youth..

What are you afraid of losing due to modernisation?
With modernisation moving at a fast pace and advancement of technology, The Borneo Post SEEDS asked these leaders of these youth communities and NGOs what they were afraid of losing with increased globalisation and modernisation, with most answering culture, value and heritage.

“As a new generation of Dayak, I’m afraid of losing my culture and heritage especially the virgin Borneo rainforest that our ancestors have left behind for us to inherit,” said Paren Nyawi.

A chartered accountant by profession, before the 34-year-old joined politics, he was actively involved with NGOs as a social activist, spokesperson, talent and event organiser as well as a blogger for Borneo Cultural.

He was also announced as a potential candidate under DAP for the next state elections and is now a special assistant to Sibu MP Oscar Ling and protem chairman for DAP Katibas (N.55).

What would you like to see changed and maintained in Malaysia?

For Paren, he wants to see good governance, a clean government and clean elections.

“I want to see equality and social justice as a norm, value and dignity placed on human works. I want Dayak recognised as a main race in Malaysia because Dayak makes up 45.8 per cent of the population in Sarawak. We are Dayak not ‘Lain-Lain’.”

We are Dayak not ‘Lain-Lain’.”
As somebody who strives to be a ‘Voice for the Voiceless’, he feels that there is still a long way to go for poverty eradication efforts among the Dayak, 80 per cent of whom he says are still living in poverty.

Voice for the Voiceless’,
“A nation will function properly if it has strong institutions, a good system of governance, check and balance and accountability. We need institutions to uphold law and order, righteousness and social justice. To this end, every citizen can be an agent of change. As the youth, we are agents of change and have to be proactive in social-politic as an effort for youth empowerment and nation-building,” said Paren.

Read More

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My Political Debut....

29th May 2015..I'm leaving Klang Valley for good after 16 years  # no more home away from home.# 10 years gained my experience as an Auditor (4 years as External Auditor & 6 years as Internal Auditor)# being qualified as  a Chartered Accountants -in year 2008# Last year, Oct 2014 , i had big question  to myself  What would happen if i had??.. After 8 months now i'm I am home for different reason # my new venture # political career # if you asking me now  why i am joining political ..# my answer would be...1st ..maybe God's plan  ..2nd) maybe this is the right time for me to come back to my hometown SongSarawak and giving back to society & being part of  the future .....& now i am ready for whatever lies ahead..welcome to new adventure ...
‪#‎Political‬ Potrait#
#Design for Banner- upcoming 21st June 2015# Political Debut
#Opening Ceremony for DAP SIBU HQ Office#Credit to Albert Sii Photography#Sibu#Sarawak#

SongSarawak#09.06.2015#no more Home away from Home#
‪#‎Back‬ for Good#brotherhood#Sarawak#Homecoming#KL---)Miri----)Song#GoodbyeMalaya#Kembali#Pulai#KLIA2#New Venture#until we meet again#29.5.2015#no more Home away from Home#

#Farewell#Fellowship #27.05.2015#back for Good#hometown#Song#Sarawak#bye2 Klang Valley#SIB KL Sentral#Community#

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